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 MessagePosté: 27 Nov 2016 10:08      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
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Inscription: 08 Jan 2009 07:37
Messages: 435
merci Shinta et Andy (j'espère que tu t'es éclaté à Tokyo)

 MessagePosté: 28 Nov 2016 21:20      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
Mortel évolué

Inscription: 26 Mar 2004 14:58
Messages: 244
Chapitre 45:

 MessagePosté: 29 Nov 2016 23:38      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari

Inscription: 22 Sep 2011 00:27
Messages: 146
And here's the translation of episode 45 - this time without too long a delay.
(Oh... I'm already missing Tokyo again! ;__; )



Announcer: Aaah... All of sudden Dumps overwhelming series of punches
hit the target.

Narration: A fight with their arms tied together...

The 'Dark Fight' opens!!

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 45: Fighting with a strap


Announce: No! He evaded them!

He let his face slip away at the moment of impact, thus
reducing the damage. That's a high-level boxing technique
called "Slipping away".

Crowd: He swallowed that brutal blow without taking damage?


Ryuusei: Ah!


Announcer: Aaaah! Mister Chin got blasted!

Mister Chins faces got caved in by this rock hard fist.

Ryuusei: Wh... what was that right now...

He pulled me in with the strap and I couldn't keep my stance.


Announcer: Whooah! Now he aims to kick his face in!

This will be the end!


Announcer: Nope! At the last moment he dodged it!

Now he caught Dumps leg and clings to it.


Announcer: An he follows on with a Knee cross-lock!


Matsuki: Guah!

Ryuusei: This foot... what stench!

Announcer: Ah! But Dump uses his hard stinky food to kick him in the

Ryuusei: Augh!


Announcer: Both fighters break! He came out of the Knee cross-lock!

Their difference in body-size and muscle power is too big - so the
joint-lock was too difficult to pull off.

Ryuusei: Nuaah!


Announcer: A barrage of short-distance body-blows!

Ryuusei: Hah... hah...

Matsuki: That won't work!

Ryuusei: Hah... hah...
I... I can't use the full power of my hips with only my left arm.


Ryuusei: I cannot fight at my own distance.

My blows don't work and I can't apply any grappling techniques.

And worse - Mr. Dump is an expert making use of the strap.


Matsuki: Sorry for havin' to say this, Little Ryuu

But this whole thing won't end pretty.

Ryuusei: I can't find a strategy against him.

Matsuki: A pro needs to deliver solid results.

I also got to eat, y'see.

And on top of that I've got a family to feed too.


Matsuki: There's money in here for me!


Announcer: It's death by hanging!


Kiichi: Dump is so desperate.

A loving father will risk his life fighting for his child.

Quite unlike you, who tormented his children almost to death.


Kiichi: Don't you agree, Kiryuu...

Narration: Why is Kiryuus coat hanging here...!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.45 END
Next Episode: Ryuuseis ingenious scheme is...!?

 MessagePosté: 02 Déc 2016 09:56      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
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Inscription: 02 Jan 2006 21:10
Messages: 4691
Localisation: à la recherche du Plus Fort....
Merci les amis!

Je sais pas pour vous mais j'ai du mal avec le design des nouveaux adversaires...Soit ils sont complètement râtés genre ( Ma ou Onijima) soit ils sont rempompés d'anciens persos... Par ex quand je vois l'adversaire de Ryuusei j'ai l'impression de voir un mix entre Kakuryo de la 1ère saison, le gros catcheur de la deuxieme et Bacterian de Dragon Ball...

Décidément les temps comme les œufs sont durs...
Et la Bêtise...N'a pas de limite!

 MessagePosté: 05 Déc 2016 23:02      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
Mortel évolué

Inscription: 26 Mar 2004 14:58
Messages: 244
Chapitre 46:

 MessagePosté: 06 Déc 2016 10:21      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
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Inscription: 19 Nov 2003 11:35
Messages: 1646
Merci nevrose.

" Chosho style " pour se sortir d'une prise d'étranglement dangereuse. Saruwatari n'arrête pas de nous faire des clins d'oeil sur d'anciens perso emblématiques des saisons précédentes.

J'espère qu'il va pas tarder à nous montrer le flashback du combat entre Kiichi et Kiryu et ne pas nous laisser avec le manteau de Kiryu sur un porte-manteau accroché au mur.

Pour ce qui est du caractère design peu original pour certains personnages de cette série, je crois que Saruwatari est assez coutumier du fait ( ex : le héros de Dokuro qui ressemble pas mal à Son'O ( ce dernier a fait l'objet d'une traduction US que l'on peut trouver ici : ) ou le héros de Abare Bun Ya qui ressemble énormément à notre petit Kiichi ( ici : ... 3-raw-zip/) ).

" Plus on devient fort, plus on se doit d'avoir un sens moral élevé ! L' "orgueil" est ce qui stoppe l'artiste martial dans sa progression" - Tough saison 1 - Tome 39

 MessagePosté: 06 Déc 2016 22:24      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari

Inscription: 22 Sep 2011 00:27
Messages: 146
Here's the translation of the chapter 46 too! ^_^



Announcer: The noose around Chins neck is pulled tighter and tighter.

This is going to be a public execution by hanging!

Narration: An overwhelming difference of physique. With the strap
being pulled tighter, what will Ryuusei...!?

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 46: Sorrowful circumstances


Ryuusei: Aguh

Matsuki: Whatever happens - I have to win this fight.

Because I desperately need the money.

My wife had enough of me being such a useless guy. She left me
and took our daughter with her.


Matsuki: But my daughter...

Got valvular disease of the heart.


Yuki: Papa! You came to visit me.

Matsuki: Dear Yuki, I am so sorry that I didn't visit you more often.

Please take this Yuki.

Yuki: Thank you papa.

Matsuki: D... don't show such a sweet smile...

to a useless piece of shit like me.


Matuski: What? An artificial valve?

Doctor: Because her own valve has almost reached its limits another
operation will be necessary soon anyway...

However if we replace it with an artificial one, no further
operations will ever be required. Of course she must take
Warfarin ( an anticoagulant ) from then on.

And the operation to exchange her valve should be done soon.

Otherwise I fear that Yuki might suffer a heart failure, which
would be fatal.

Matuski: Doctor, I beg you - please save the life of my daughter.

I will somehow manage to find the money. Just save her, please!


Kiichi: There are many fighters who are basically quite fussy.

They try to preserve their physical condition by certain
diets and training.

Then, before a fight they pay special attention to each and every
detail, like the location, the rules, their opponents fighting style...

And Dump certainly ain't no exception.

Just look how he meticiously prepared himself before entering
this battle.

On the other hand Ryuusei just plunged into the match

unprepared and without a worry only thinking 'bout winning.


Kiichi: Shouting things like "I'll fight anyone at any time" is a
thing only pro-wrestler do.

But even the biggest idiot wouldn't actually dare to do so.

Furthermore, Dumps and Ryuuseis motivations are different.

Dump has got someone he wants to protect and he'd give his
life for her.

Being under the pressure of necessity he absolutely mustn't lose.


Kiichi: Victory in this match was already decided at the beginning.

Ryuusei: S... somehow I need to insert my fingers to keep open my
air duct.

I... if my fingers slip then...

Audience: H... hey! Look at that!


Audience: Wh... what the heck? It looks as if Chins neck is getting longer.

Aaah! He's going to die!

He's dying for real!


Matsuki: You'll lend me money if I kill little Ryuu?

Kiichi: If you really wanna save your daughters life, then you
need to show that you got the guts to even commit things
like robbery or murder.

If you want one of those lucky four-leave clovers then you have
to trample all the three-leave ones into the ground. Otherwise
you'll never lay your hands on one.

Matsuki: Forgive me little Ryuu

Ryuusei: Hagh...


Announcer: Ooh! He escaped!!

He dislocated his own jaw.


Announcer: Unbelievable! He got out of the executioners noose by
dislocating his jaw.

And now he snapped it back in.


Announcer: It seems that Mister Chin can loosen his jaw deliberately.

When facing a crisis this man is able to pull out the biggest
tricks from his latent abilities.

Kiichi: Oh, look Kiryuu!

You're son is doing quite well.

When feeling desperate and confused, he radiates some strange
kind of dangerous beauty.

One might even call it the beauty of the noble savage.


Kiichi: Nope, nope!

Sittin' too long in Kiryuus room makes me even talk like the man.

The enormous collection of rare books and the Steinway piano...

It's because this rooms is brimming with Kiryuus thoughts.

And no - it's not just this room.

This whole building completely belongs to Kiryuu.

It's the 'Dragons House'.


Kiichi: But now that Kiryuu ain't here...

The owner of the 'Dragon House' is this one here, Miyazawa Kiichi,

Narration: Words with profound meaning... Has Kiryuu really passed away!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.46 END
Next Episode: The man appearing in front of Kiichi is...!?

 MessagePosté: 06 Déc 2016 22:56      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2008 23:47
Messages: 5163
Donc en gros Kiichi a repris le business de Kiryu.

Et Ryuusei comme Kiichi a l’époque se dépasse dans la difficulté !!

 MessagePosté: 07 Déc 2016 00:24      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari

Inscription: 22 Sep 2011 00:27
Messages: 146
l0l067 a écrit:
Donc en gros Kiichi a repris le business de Kiryu.

Et Ryuusei comme Kiichi a l’époque se dépasse dans la difficulté !!

Ça ressemble à ça ...
Pourtant, la dernière page semble nous préparer à un nouveau tournant dans la narration, n'est-ce pas?

Accordingly I'm really curious how this story will continue to evolve. Ô.Ô

(Sorry for my bad French, btw. m(_ _)m )

 MessagePosté: 09 Déc 2016 09:15      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
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Inscription: 08 Jan 2009 07:37
Messages: 435
Merci les mecs.

Sûrement un nouveau venu. Ou alors Son'o qui cherche à avoir des nouvelles de son petit frère Kiryu, mais il a été dépassé par Kibo.

 MessagePosté: 09 Déc 2016 18:13      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
Mortel évolué

Inscription: 24 Jan 2007 22:18
Messages: 254
Localisation: Belfort
L'intrigue va surement avancé. Je pense tout simplement à Seiko me concernant. N'est il pas parti le chercher?

Le scénario a besoin d'un twist sous peine d'avoir un sentiment de redite sur toute cette nouvelle série...

Après je reste un ENORME fan du trait de Saruwatari...On ne le dira jamais assez mais quelle précision! Quelle classe!

Il vaut mieux fermer sa gueule et passer pour un con que de l'ouvrir et prouver qu'on en est un.

 MessagePosté: 12 Déc 2016 21:52      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
Mortel évolué

Inscription: 26 Mar 2004 14:58
Messages: 244
Chapitre 47:

 MessagePosté: 13 Déc 2016 07:01      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
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Inscription: 19 Nov 2003 11:35
Messages: 1646
Merci névrose.

Sympa ce nouveau chapitre. Ca peut apporter de l'eau au moulin pour ceux qui pensaient que le Kiichi présentait n'était peut-être pas le vrai Kiichi. Un peu comme Son'O en arbitre du combat Kiichi vs Marcio "Jet" Naito, lors de la saison 2.

" Plus on devient fort, plus on se doit d'avoir un sens moral élevé ! L' "orgueil" est ce qui stoppe l'artiste martial dans sa progression" - Tough saison 1 - Tome 39

 MessagePosté: 13 Déc 2016 08:40      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
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Inscription: 02 Jan 2006 21:10
Messages: 4691
Localisation: à la recherche du Plus Fort....
Si c'est le cas on pourra dire que tough aura pris tout les poncifs de Hokuto no Ken... Après le trio de frères rivaux, la branche oubliée on retrouve l'Arc de l'imposteur (Jagi/ Amiba)...Cela dit ça expliquerait certaines choses car autant je peux concevoir un Kibo violent et impitoyable autant ce qui me surprend c'est de le voir si calculateur et machiavélique. Kibô n'a jamais été connu pour ses qualités de stratégie ni même de réflexion...Alors le voir se changer en un génie à la Kiryû en quelques mois c'est assez suspect.

Décidément les temps comme les œufs sont durs...
Et la Bêtise...N'a pas de limite!

 MessagePosté: 13 Déc 2016 15:40      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
Mortel évolué

Inscription: 24 Jan 2007 22:18
Messages: 254
Localisation: Belfort
bouh impossible de DL le ne fais que tomber sur la page demandant à payer pour accéder au service :(

Tout le monde a t'il un compte sur le site 1fichier?

Il vaut mieux fermer sa gueule et passer pour un con que de l'ouvrir et prouver qu'on en est un.

 MessagePosté: 13 Déc 2016 16:38      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
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Inscription: 19 Nov 2003 11:35
Messages: 1646
Seiko59 a écrit:
bouh impossible de DL le ne fais que tomber sur la page demandant à payer pour accéder au service :(

Tout le monde a t'il un compte sur le site 1fichier?

Ils ont dû changer, car je n'ai pas eu de problème ce matin. Voici un lien que j'ai uploader sur un uptobox :

" Plus on devient fort, plus on se doit d'avoir un sens moral élevé ! L' "orgueil" est ce qui stoppe l'artiste martial dans sa progression" - Tough saison 1 - Tome 39

 MessagePosté: 13 Déc 2016 16:58      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
Mortel évolué

Inscription: 24 Jan 2007 22:18
Messages: 254
Localisation: Belfort
Merci Shinta :)

Après visionnage du chapitre je suis pour le moins surpris....


Kiryu semble de retour et faire équipe avec Kiichi? Ils volent de l'argent aux gouvernements??!!! Je ne comprends pas du tout ce qu'il se déroule.... une chose est certaine Kiichi a beaucoup changé si jamais il s'agissait vraiment de lui...

Il vaut mieux fermer sa gueule et passer pour un con que de l'ouvrir et prouver qu'on en est un.

 MessagePosté: 13 Déc 2016 23:42      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari

Inscription: 22 Sep 2011 00:27
Messages: 146
Sorry... for being late. Read the chapter last night but was too sleepy to translate.
Anyway, here's the translation of Tough Ep 47! m(_ _)m


Kiichi: Now that Kiryuu ain't here...

The owner of the 'Dragon House' is me, Miyazawa Kiichi.

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 47: Kiryuus doings

Narration: Another encounter of Seiko and Kiichi in this building...!?

Seiko: Kiichi...


Seiko: KIICHI!


Matsuki: Impressive, little Ryuu.
Being able to dislodge your jaw freely.

Were you already born with that ability?

Ryuusei: I don't know why everyone talks about 'potential' or what, but...

whenever I'm in a pinch I manage to save myself by what that man
taught me.

Matsuki: 'That man'?

Ryuusei: The one they call 'The gentle tiger'. My teacher. *)

*) Translators note: or 'master'. I always find 'shishou'
difficult to translate into a single english word. 'Teacher'
has too much of a school connotation attached to it, while
'Master' always got a hint of too much ownership when used
not withing a precise context. Just think of "teacher" as
"Pai Mei" was a 'teacher' to The Bride in Kill Bill, ok? XD


Seiko: Once you've got caught in a well executed joint-lock or
sleeperhold escape is basically impossible.

However there are techniques that enhance the mobility of your
joints to the absolute limit.

And this is what Nadashinkageryuus 'Dakkotsu-Jutsu' *) is all about.

*)Translators note: i.e.: Bone-removing technique

Ryuusei: Dakkotsu-Jutsu?

Does that have anything to do with inherent abilities like
'double joints' or 'monkey arms' where one was just born
with very flexible limbs?

Seiko: Of course we all got our individual differences,

But basically there is no part of the human body that cannot
be trained and strengthened.


Seiko: Like this, for example.

Ryuusei: Ah!


Seiko: With sufficient training each and every part of the body
can be instantly moved into any position.


Matsuki: I see! The origin of your strength is that teacher.
So you kinda like him, don'tcha?

But, y'know... when people really love someone, when they
want to protect someone, they become unstoppably strong.

Ryuusei: I can't compete with Mr. Dump in raw power, but I
won't let him win.

It's all about the perfect timing!


Matsuki: And I'm even betting my f***** life 'cos of that love!

Ryuusei: When your opponent pulls, then push!


Ryuusei: And when he pushes, then pull!


Announcer: Wow! Chin uses the strap to tie up Dumps legs!

And now it seems he's aiming to pull him into an unorthodox
pinning hold!


Seiko: Ki... Kiichi


Kiichi: Oh Oton. Ya did exactly what I expected.

This Dragon House may look like a ruin, but it's equipped
with the latest security technology. Even the air-ducts
been provided with solid borne sound sensors.

And so I know about everyone who enters and about anything they
do. Fun, ain't it.

Seiko: Kiichi. Won't you tell me where you are?

It seems like you are running away.
If you don't have a guilty conscience, then won't you just come
out and face me?


Kiichi: Guess what, Oton! You've always been a terrible nuisance.

Whenever we disagreed on something you always forced me to
follow your way.

But that's ok. Because nowadays you ain't no match for me anymore.

Wouldn't do that though. Beating up an old guy like you would
just feel wrong.

Seiko: But it was ok doing that to Kiryuu?

Kiichi: Oh my! That old guy was just a villain.



Kiichi: Kiryuu used this very monitor room to meddle in the stocks
and federal exchange markets and he amassed a crazy amount
of money.

In the end it added up to... Yen *)

*) Tranlators note: about 500 million US$ or Euro (I'm also switching
to dollar nomination now because that is easier to read)

Imagine this! The famous american investor Donald Trump only made it
up to 40 millions. Our old geezer Kiryuu though managed to score
500 millions!


Kiichi: And yet that geezer didn't even want the money. He was just
happily playing along as a day trader.

For him it was just a game he played in his spare time.

Winning the rounds. Raising the score. He only saw it as
nothing but numbers on a scoreboard.


Kiichi: Of course he used his insider information in the stocks
and bonds markets.

Rumors have it that his sources even included people
within the higher echelons of governments in several countries.

For Kiryuu 'moral' and 'compliance' were just things to flush
down the drain.

He lived in a 'Rock Paper Scissors' world, where he was "THE" Rock:

The Rock who smashed everyone else. And for him it was fair play.

And well... methinks I should now follow in Kiryuus fashion.


Kiichi: Now that Kiryuu is no longer here

All of this belongs to me.


Seiko: Ki.... Kiichi...

Stop it! The money has clouded your mind...

Kiichi: Y'know what Kiryuu always said?

His words were: "If you want money, women or whatever, just
use your power and *take* it!"

And so it was just fair game. Taking away from him what I wanted.

The whole 500 million...

Narration: Heartless words...

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.47 END
Next Episode: Watching Ryuuseis fight, Kiichi is uttering some shocking...!?

 MessagePosté: 14 Déc 2016 16:28      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
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Inscription: 31 Mar 2009 02:46
Messages: 2647
New couv:



 MessagePosté: 19 Déc 2016 22:15      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
Mortel évolué

Inscription: 26 Mar 2004 14:58
Messages: 244
Chapitre 48:

 MessagePosté: 20 Déc 2016 22:09      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
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Inscription: 02 Jan 2006 21:10
Messages: 4691
Localisation: à la recherche du Plus Fort....
Merci Nevrose!

Décidément les temps comme les œufs sont durs...
Et la Bêtise...N'a pas de limite!

 MessagePosté: 21 Déc 2016 00:57      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
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Inscription: 03 Juil 2005 04:15
Messages: 646
Localisation: paris
ah ouais.... merci Nevrose.
j'attends avec impatience la traduction..

votre dealer.... de scans est de retour

 MessagePosté: 21 Déc 2016 22:59      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari

Inscription: 22 Sep 2011 00:27
Messages: 146
Sorry for being so late. I was sick the last two days and only today did I feel well enough again.
Anyway here's the translation of the latest episode!



Narration: Has Kiichi sold his heart for money!?

Kichi: When I won that fight 'gainst Kiryuu

Those 500 million dollars felt like ma prize money.

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 48: Fatal weakness


Kiichi: Ain't nothing wrong with gettin' some easy money.

Of course if someone's wanna take it back that's groovy with me.

I mean Ryuusei's Kiryuus son, and so he's got some right claiming
his inheritance.


Seiko: Oh. So that's what you're planning?

Let me tell you - Ryuusei got the disposition and capabilities
to bring you down.

Kiichi: He. You're really overestimating that guy, Oton.

I beat that loser with a single finger while was shitting himself.

And as for him winning against Dump.

Well, ya see...


Kiichi: Those who inherited Kiryuus genes all got a certain fatal


Kiichi: One that you probably know about as well, Oton.

So just start to accept reality, wont'cha.

Seiko: K...Keep your...

Kiichi: Otherwise ya'll just again be filled with bitter feelings
once this is over.


Seiko: Keep your damn mouth shut, Kiichi!

Kiichi: Uuuh. Scary.

Anyway, let me make it crystal clear Oton.

Seiko: Don't you ever dare to touch *that* subject again.

Kiichi: Regardless what he tries, Ryuusei has no way to win this fight.


Announcer: Chin is using the strap to tie his opponents leg.

This looks like a variation of an Achilles-heel lock.

Spectators: Ooh! Dump seems to be unable to move his body.

Mitsuki: Guah!


SFX: Poop

Kiichi: W... what stench.

Announcer: Oh! Now his leg is free.

He used a farting attack to break out of the joint-lock hell.

Matsuki: Too bad little Ryuu, that must have been quite a stink.


Matsuki: But before the match I fed on garlic til it came out of my ears.

And I didn't wash by body though it disgusted even myself.

This thing here's a matter of life and death.

And that's why I will use every trick in the book - may the people
hate me or laugh at me.

Because this fight will end with a complete and utter victory for me.


Matsuki: What the...


Announcer: What is this? He uses the strap to perform what looks like an
inverted foot-choke.

Even from his lower positions he's blocking his opponents artery

This is Nadashinkageryuus 'Kubikiri Hotoke' *) technique.

*) Translators note: 'Head-cutting Buddha'


Kiichi: Ooh. If that ain't the old and beloved 'Kubikiri Hotoke'

In Brazilian Jiu-jutsu it's prohibited to use the back of ones leg
for a chile.

But of course Nadashinkageryuu allows it.

However in this case he's using the strap instead of his leg.


Kiichi: I don't know about your problems but don't expect any
mercy from me.

I'll end this now by bringing you down.

Matsuki: Yuki... My Yuki.

Kiichi: Seems you're ok with him using Nadashinkageryuu techniques here.

You've really grown soft, Oton.

But it doesn't matter. Won't be of any use ta him.


Yuki: Papa. I love you.

Thank you so much.


Matsuki (remembering Kiichis words from Ep.46): If you want one of those
lucky four-leave clovers then you have to trample all the
three-leave ones into the ground.

Kiichi: If it's for his daughter, even Buddha himself would turn into a demon.


Kiichi: His body, power and tenacity are now all off-scale...

When he shifts gear, nothing compares to the terror that is Dump,

Because of love, he now turns into a demon.

Narration: Awakening...!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.48 END
Next Episode: The fights decision!? And...

 MessagePosté: 22 Déc 2016 08:36      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
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Inscription: 02 Jan 2006 21:10
Messages: 4691
Localisation: à la recherche du Plus Fort....
Merci Andy et bon rétablissement à toi!

Il est intéressant de voir que finalement Kibô a vraisemblablement bien vaincu Kiryû au cours d'un combat sans merci.
De là à affirmer qu'il l'a tué...La question reste posée.
Sinon je serai bien curieux de savoir quelle est cette fameuse "faiblesse mortelle" commune aux rejetons de Kiryu. Si l'on se fie à ceux qu'on connaît ( Garcia, Naito, Onijima et Ryûsei) je pencherais plutôt vers un déséquilibre psychologique. En effet, même si certains présentaient des pathologies physiques, elles n'avaient pas grand chose en commun...À moins que tous les fils de Kiryu aient hérité de la malédiction de Rahu l'astre maudit comme leur père ( cf Tough saison 1 tome 41)

Décidément les temps comme les œufs sont durs...
Et la Bêtise...N'a pas de limite!

 MessagePosté: 01 Jan 2017 02:32      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari

Inscription: 22 Sep 2011 00:27
Messages: 146
Happy New Year to all of you on this forum!!!

I really hope that we'll be able to continue to enjoy "Tough" in 2017 too!


m(_ _)m

 MessagePosté: 01 Jan 2017 18:55      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
Mortel évolué

Inscription: 24 Jan 2007 22:18
Messages: 254
Localisation: Belfort
Bonne année à tous les fans de Tough :)

Il vaut mieux fermer sa gueule et passer pour un con que de l'ouvrir et prouver qu'on en est un.

 MessagePosté: 03 Jan 2017 08:22      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
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Inscription: 08 Jan 2009 07:37
Messages: 435
Bonne année à tous!
Mes meilleurs voeux pour 2017 et longue vie au forum!

 MessagePosté: 03 Jan 2017 21:38      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
Mortel évolué

Inscription: 26 Mar 2004 14:58
Messages: 244
Bonne année! Les scans sont en attente, dès que ça reprend je poste!

 MessagePosté: 05 Jan 2017 23:46      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
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Inscription: 19 Nov 2003 11:35
Messages: 1646
Bonne année à tous les fans de la série ainsi qu'aux autres membres du forum. Voici le dernier chapitre

Chapitre 49 :

Un dessin d'une fan américaine de la série : ... 1_1280.png

" Plus on devient fort, plus on se doit d'avoir un sens moral élevé ! L' "orgueil" est ce qui stoppe l'artiste martial dans sa progression" - Tough saison 1 - Tome 39

 MessagePosté: 06 Jan 2017 23:52      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari

Inscription: 22 Sep 2011 00:27
Messages: 146
Here's the translation of Episode 49.

IMHO, I'd vote this one to be the best episode of the new season of Tough so far.
It took me more time than usual to translate it - not because I didn't understand
what they were talking (I read the whole chapter last night withing 5 minutes before I went to sleep)
but because I found it to be really haunting, and therefore I took a bit more time
to translate the story from Japanese to English.
(Plus, I also got some other thing that is heavy on my mind... *sigh*)

But anyway: All of you take care, enjoy the Manga, enjoy the translation and
enjoy life!! \(^o^)/



Battle 49: Victory or Defeat

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Narration: Dumps counterattac is skyrocketing!!

Announcer: Even with his throat strangled and unable to breathe
he grabs Chin and hurls him up into a 'deadlift'.


Kiichi: What's wrong if money makes your sight a bit dizzy?

After all most of the problems in this big world can be solved
with enough cash, ain't they?

Even someone like Dump is fighting to the death to raise the money
for the operation of his daugters fatal illness.

And while folks complain all the time bout them, in the end it
are the rich who contribute most to society with their huge tax

Compared to that, the meager activities of some guy doing his solitary
charity works don't avail much when it comes to helping people.


Seiko: Meager....

Are you talking about me here?

Kiichi: Oh! Of course not...

Those were just a few words giving some martial artist a
reality check regarding his dreamy ideals and hypocrisies.

Take a look at reality.

If it's for money people will even slaughter their parents.

They'll become the devil himself.


Matsuki: He's hanging on my neck with the whole weight of his body.
I mustn't allow myself to think what might happen to Little Ryuu!

The bones in his neck might break...

His brain might get damaged...

He might become nothing but a living corpse...

Noooo! Won't let such thoughts enter my head!


Until now I always thought more about other people than about me.

And because of that I was just a nuisance exposing even my
own family to poverty.

I'm tired of being such an idiotic good guy.

I will become a 'demon'!


Announcer: It's a Vertical Drop Buster!!

He's slamming the back of his opponents head full force into
the concrete floor!


Crowd: This was it, right...?

No... it's not over!

Seiko: Ryuusei really wanted to apply this technique.


Announcer: Wow! He ate the 'Buster' but still continues his chokehold!

He's altering the sleeperhold now, blocking Dumps arteries without
using the strap!


Ryuusei: This is the Nadashinkageryuu choke-hold technique Mr. Seiko
bestowed to me: "Kubikiri Hotoke" *)

*) Translators note: 'Head-cutting Buddha'

Seiko: He knew that his opponent would use a 'Buster' to break out.

And he used the strap as a safety-belt.


Matsuki: My dear Yuki

I'm sorry. I'm just scum...


Announcer: He went down! Dump has fainted!

And the winner is.... MISTER CHIN!!


Kiichi: Hesitating for just a second leaves one wide open.

And now the child will have to pay for her father being an idiot.

His daughter is so pitiable.

Seiko: Wait, Kiichi!

Our talk isn't over! Wait!

Kiichi: Oton - you only spout the same old arguments over and over again.


Matsuki: Haaaah


Matsuki: huh... huh...

L... Little Ryuu... D... Did I really lose?

I... it can't...

Well... seems a man practicing pure martial arts is strong as shit
after all.

W...way different from a plain guy like me who just fights with
evil intentions.

Ryuusei: Mr. Dump. You were so strong.

Matsuki: R... really?


Matsuki: I'm so glad to hear that!

So, won't ya lend me some money?

Ryuusei: I'm really sorry.

I got no money that I could lend you, Mr. Dump.

Moreover ain't it said that nothing good will come from lending
money and

that you better should offer yourself to other people instead?


Matsuki: Y... yeah. Understood.

Sorry for bothering you, little Ryuu.

Guess I'll have to ask Kibouu again.

Ryuusei: Huh?

Miyazawa Kiichi...

Narration: This man, what will he show us...!?

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.49 END
Next Episode: Kiichi and Dump meeting...!?

 MessagePosté: 07 Jan 2017 08:06      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
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Inscription: 19 Nov 2003 11:35
Messages: 1646
Thanks andy.

As always, nice work :wink:

" Plus on devient fort, plus on se doit d'avoir un sens moral élevé ! L' "orgueil" est ce qui stoppe l'artiste martial dans sa progression" - Tough saison 1 - Tome 39

 MessagePosté: 07 Jan 2017 16:34      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
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Inscription: 02 Jan 2006 21:10
Messages: 4691
Localisation: à la recherche du Plus Fort....
Poor Mr Dump, I guess he's in for a brutal ass whoopin from Kiichi now

Décidément les temps comme les œufs sont durs...
Et la Bêtise...N'a pas de limite!

 MessagePosté: 16 Jan 2017 14:42      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
Mortel évolué

Inscription: 26 Mar 2004 14:58
Messages: 244
Excellent chapitre 50:

 MessagePosté: 16 Jan 2017 16:04      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
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Inscription: 20 Juil 2006 09:23
Messages: 75
Kiryu en a perdu son Tshirt :shock:

 MessagePosté: 16 Jan 2017 21:14      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari

Inscription: 22 Sep 2011 00:27
Messages: 146
And here's the translation of Tough episode 50...



Ryuusei: M... Mr. Dump... Did you just say Kibou?

Matsuki: Yeah

Huh? Do you also know Kibou, little Ryuu?

Ryuusei: I came here because I'm chasing Miyazawa Kiichi.

Matsuki: From the first moment I met you I thought there was some kinda
similarity but...

Say Ryuusei, can it be that you're one of "Kiryuus sons"?


Ryuusei: Mr. Dump... do you really think that I can meet Miyazawa Kiichi?

Matsuki: Sure... Kibou and me have been pals for ages.

Now that I know that you're one of Kiryuus sons, I can no longer
stay silent.


Narration: Is Kiichi behind this door...!?

Tough Guyden
The man who succeeds the dragon

Battle 50: Eyewitness


Matsuki: Kibou open up!

It's me Dump! Lend me some money...

Oops... wrong. There's someone here who wants to see ya!

Ryuusei: Uhm... what connection do you have with Miyazawa Kiichi and
all this?

Matsuki: I watched the fight between Kiryuu and Kibou.


Matsuki: It was a 46 second long nightmare.


Matsuki: The owner of the Dragon Hourse, Kiryuu, whom they called
"The allmighty superman".


Matsuki: I have no idea if something happened between Kiryuu and Kibou.

But it was in this place where the lion and the dragon clashed and
started their grand battle.

And I was witness to their fight.


Matsuki: They were not just fast!

The wind pressure from their attacks made it hard to keep my
eyes open.

And then...


Matsuki: Kibou hit Kiryuus temple with a single middlefinger strike.

In this lightning-fast exchange of blows, he landed an accurate
blow on a vital spot.


Matsuki: I saw it clearly.

That single attack caused Kiryuu to pass out.

But still...

Matsuki (shouting): Stop it Kibou!

It's already over!


Matsuki: He took carefully aim and sank his fist full force into Kiryuus
temporal lobe.


Matsuki: After that attack Kiryuu did not open his eyes again.

It was magnificent.

There were just two small bruises on his right and left temples but
that destroyed his brain.

And that was all I saw with my very own eyes.


Matsuki: This single attack had such excessive force - it was like the
wrath of god.

And he drove it in with the definite intent to kill.

Kibou is a scary person.

The essence of martial arts may be a close inquiry of life and death,
but actually killing someone is plainly wrong.

Narration: And now the door is...

Closing line: Tough Guyden. The man who succeeds the dragon. BATTLE.50 END
Next Episode: Coming out of this door is...!?

 MessagePosté: 17 Jan 2017 11:45      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
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Inscription: 08 Jan 2009 07:37
Messages: 435
Merci les mecs!

Bien joué Poketfight pour avoir remarqué l'erreur du t-shirt!

 MessagePosté: 17 Jan 2017 20:39      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
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Inscription: 20 Juil 2006 09:23
Messages: 75
phuoc-thanh a écrit:
Merci les mecs!

Bien joué Poketfight pour avoir remarqué l'erreur du t-shirt!

C'est surement un coup à la OnePunchMan :lol:


 MessagePosté: 17 Jan 2017 23:49      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari

Inscription: 22 Sep 2011 00:27
Messages: 146
phuoc-thanh a écrit:
Bien joué Poketfight pour avoir remarqué l'erreur du t-shirt!

I saw that one immediately and thought it to be quite strange.

Usually Tetsuya Saruwatari doesn't make that kind of drawing errors (it's more the thing
you encounter in Webtoon series... 'God of Highschool' often falls for it).

First I thought that it was supposed to have some kind of symbolic meaning,
but frankly speaking that doesn't seem to hit the spot either.


 MessagePosté: 22 Jan 2017 21:14      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari
Mortel évolué

Inscription: 26 Mar 2004 14:58
Messages: 244
Chapitre 51:

 MessagePosté: 22 Jan 2017 22:20      Sujet du message: Re: Free Fight [Tough Saison 2] ~ Tetsuya Saruwatari

Inscription: 22 Sep 2011 00:27
Messages: 146
Uhm... when I try to use that link the downloaded Rar-file contains only an empty folder. ?___?

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