07-07-2006, 03:17 AM
First scene involves discussion between Hidan and Kakuzu.
Hidan: Nobody understands the rituals of my religion...
Zetsu: When you're sad, it is up to faith to bring you happiness
Kakuzu: That's wrong. Money brings happiness
Hidan: That again!? You're attempts to get money is what delayed us in the first place.
Kakuzu: I heard religion brings money. That's why I teamed up with you. I am responsible for the financial dealings of Akatsuki. Work with me...
Zetsu: Yes you are important. Anyways, I'll take Nibi from here.
Hidan: It's just a temple. Are you sure it's in here?
Kakuzu: Who knows... it's not just any temple though so it's highly likey.
Priests: What? Someone got past our security seal? Go inform the leader right away.
Hidan: Looks like the Jashin religion is unlikely to convert.
Priests: These are definitely the Akatsuki...
Priests: Invaders are here!
Hidan: You're not after money here are you? If that's the case you're going straight to hell.
Kakuzu: Hell runs on money too, from what I can tell.
Priest: We don't know what you're after, but please leave peacefully!
Hidan: It's not our custom to kill unnecessarily... but our sect doesn't exactly work that way.
Kakuzu: We are here to look for the Fire temples and their mysterious power.
Priest: The Akatsuki is here.
Priest2: I was afraid they would be here soon or later... I will meet them. The rest of you return back to the temple.
Hidan: Well here's a character that looks mighty important.
Kakuzu: According to the bingo book, he's worth over 30,000,000.
He, who was elected as one of the 12 gentlement of konoha. He is also an elite ninja.
Hidan: 12 gentlemen of Konoha? He's that strong?
Kakuzu: The crest on his waist cloth indicates so.
Kakuzu: Don't let your guard down. You might die.
Hidan: I told you not to say that to me, Kakuzu!
Kakashi: It's finally time for the training.
Naruto: hehe
Kakashi: What is it?
Naruto: It's just been a while since training with you, kakashi sensei. I don't know why, but I'm happy right now.
Kakashi: You won't be laughing for much longer. hahaha
Kakashi: Time won't stand still for us. The point of this training is to create your ultimate jutsu. One that will surpass Rasengan.
Kakashi: In order to do that, two things: you need to work on your physical alteration of chakra technique as well as your form alteration of chakra technique.
Kakshi: Take for example Chidori. Like the electricity that flows with your physical chakra (elemental?), it must also be altered to be used as an attack.
Naruto: I see, and the shortcut to this technique is...?
Kakashi: No point in dragging it out. The technique is........
Asuma: I'm starting to see what you mean.
Kakashi: The rasengan differes from chidori just a little bit. It's a jutsu that requires just the alteration of chakra. Basically, you are spinning the chakra at a fast rate. No need for an elemental aspect.
Naruto: Elemental... I see.
Kakashi: If you want to surpass the powers of Rasengan, you need a jutsu that incorporates the elemental aspect.
Naruto: Ok! Elemental.
Kakashi (thinking): I don't think he gets it...
Kakashi: But to pull of an elemental jutsu, we need plenty of time and training. The shortcut is what I am about to explain to you.
Asuma: It was my bad for leaving konaha, for doing things on my own accord.
Asuma: Although I hold no regrets about it.
Asuma: I realize it's not so bad to be born into the Sarutobi clan.
Asuma: You served respectably as a leader to the village.
Asuma: You were a really cool father.
**Translation not perfect. Please do not use for scantalation purposes**
Bon apparament... Asuma veut quitter Konoha d'apres ce que je comprend... Et qu'il est né dans le Clan du 3eme Hokage
Mais c'est le "Father" qui m'inquiete... Pere pour avoir été un bon leader ou Pere Naturel qui lui donné naissance ???
Y'a comme un petit air de famille tout a coup