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FlashGordon & Musclor & TeenTitans & Thundercats

23 Mai 2007 20:31

Première image et interview de Flash sur le site d'Entertainment Weekly

http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,2003678 ... 42,00.html
Dernière édition par Invité le 06 Juin 2007 09:48, édité 4 fois.

23 Mai 2007 22:04

Au secours rendez-nous Sam Jones :o


c'est pas moi au milieu

24 Mai 2007 08:00

Bon ça circulait depuis quelques semaines déjà mais maintenant ça semble plus officiel, Musclor - aka He-man -va faire son retour sur le grand écran. C'est le magazine Variety qui le confirme.

Warner Bros. and producer Joel Silver are working with Mattel to turn "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe" into a live-action film, reports Variety. Justin Marks is set to write the script. Silver will produce.

He-Man was born as a Mattel action figure, and the toymaker created an animated series in hopes of selling dolls. The series became a cult favorite, but the brand was hardly helped by its first big screen incarnation, the campy 1987 flop Masters of the Universe that starred Dolph Lundgren as the title character and Frank Langella as his nemesis Skeletor.

The franchise has been reimagined by the producer and the writers and pitched to Mattel as a classic good vs. evil battle, using the kind of visual effects strategy employed in 300. A warrior is touted as the last hope of a magical land called Eternia, which is being ravaged by technology and the evil Skeletor.

Many of the characters will be informed by the mythology created in the four different cartoon series done since the 1980s.

31 Mai 2007 12:37

Un nouveau film de super-héros à ajouter à notre liste: TEEN TITANS

DC Comics' superteam Teen Titans is getting the big-screen treatment courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures, says The Hollywood Reporter.

The live-action adaptation is being produced by Akiva Goldsman and Kerry Foster through their Weed Road production company, while Mark Verheiden has been brought on board to write the script.

The Teen Titans, which first appeared in 1964, are comprised of Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Wonder Girl and Speedy, the respective sidekicks of A-list heroes Batman, Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Green Arrow.

The comic series reached X-Men-style success in the 1980s, when the team was relaunched in a new comic with the characters no longer kids but college-age adults and the stories explored more mature themes. The series also saw the addition of Cyborg, Starfire and Raven, original characters who weren't sidekicks, while the character of Robin matured into one called Nightwing.

Most recently, the comic was adapted to the television screen with a Cartoon Network series that ran from 2003-06 that used many of the '80s comics' heroes and story lines.

It is not known which heroes will be used, but Nightwing is said to be in the mix.

Goldsman said the tone will be consistent with such recent Warners' comic book fare as Batman Begins, Superman Returns and the upcoming Watchmen.

Verheiden was a writer-producer on "Smallville" and is a writer-producer on "Battlestar Galactica."

01 Juin 2007 17:37

Pour le teen titan ca me fait un peu peur de voir un mec de smallville dessus mais bon j'ai bon espoir

06 Juin 2007 09:52

C'est la fête chez la Warner, après Teen Titans et Musclor voici venir: THUNDERCATS !

Warner Bros. has optioned a Thundercats script by new screenwriter Paul Sopocy to turn the popular 1980s animated series and toy line into a live action feature.

Variety says Warner-based Paula Weinstein will produce through her Spring Creek Productions, along with Dick Robertson and Lew Korman.

Thundercats revolves around a group of humanoid cats (with feline names like Lion-O, Tygra, Panthro and Cheetara) who must flee their planet of Thundera after it's destroyed. Once crash-landing on another planet, Third Earth, they must thwart Mumm-Ra, an evil sorcerer, bent on killing them off.

Sopocy has written the script as an origin story expanding on the major heroes and villains from the animated series, with the plot focusing on Lion-O coming of age as the leader of the Thundercats.

Warner Bros. recently teamed with Joel Silver to produce a live-action He-Man movie, based on the toy and cartoon franchise, as well as a feature based on the DC comic book Teen Titans.

Thundercats, bordel !


07 Juin 2007 13:47

9 images du "pilot" de la SERIE -ma faute - Flash Gordon bientôt sur SciFi US- donc peut être aussi sur Canal Sat dans quelques mois.

http://www.comicscontinuum.com/stories/ ... /index.htm

28 Juin 2007 20:44

Quelques secondes de teaser de Flash Gordon
